Once-stodgy ideas like a free-market economy, strong defense, secure borders, and national unity are suddenly appearing fresh and wise.

The end and the beginning; the American spirit is winning

Monday, September 13, 2010
by Chuck Rogér

America's current condition seems fragile. But although we probably haven't hit bottom yet, America may be nearing an inflection point.

Astute as always, classicist Victor Davis Hanson captures what has happened in Europe since World War II. Consider how Hanson's words apply to current-day America. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/ ... vis-hanson

The decades-old vision of a united pan-continental Europe without borders is dissolving. The cradle-to-grave welfare dream proved too expensive for Europe’s shrinking and aging population.

The points made by Hanson have not gone unnoticed by clear-thinking Americans who now soundly reject Messiah Hopey-Changey. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_ ... cking_poll

A word of caution. The Obamabot army is fundamentally incapable of understanding the lessons from the European experience. It would be silly to waste our time trying to stop hemorrhaging lemmings from running ever faster toward a cliff below which lie razor-sharp swords with tips up.

Forget the Obamabots. They will go the way of the eight-track cassette tape. Most voters now finally understand what a deceitful pack of lies Obama sold the people in order to get into position to destroy traditional America.

Considering Europe's story, along with other factors that Hanson covers in his analysis, the historian sums up America's situation right now. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/ ... vis-hanson

Politically divided, committed to two wars, in a deep recession, insolvent, and still stunned by the financial meltdown of 2008, our government seems paralyzed. As European socialism implodes, for some reason a new statist U.S. government wants to copy failure by taking over ever more of the economy and borrowing trillions more to provide additional entitlements.

As panicky old allies look for American protection, we talk of slashing our defense budget. In apologetic fashion, we spend more time appeasing confident enemies than buttressing worried friends.

Instead of finishing our border fence and closing the southern border, we are suing a state that is trying to enforce immigration laws that the federal government will not apply. And as sectarianism spreads abroad, we at home still pursue the failed salad bowl and caricature the once-successful American melting pot.

The staunchly ideological Obama, his administration, and left ideologues in Congress are paralyzed alright--both morally and intellectually. The ideologues desperately want to move forward with yet more socialistic programs and stratospheric government spending, the kind which has achieved nothing but devastation throughout all of history.

Why do the ideologues insist on more of what has never worked? Because they are confident that they can "get it right"--this time.

So why the paralysis? Because the ideologues have lost the good will and patience of the people. We are done with the fools, and the fools now know it.

Hanson predicts where we are headed.

But just as old problems return, so do equally old solutions. Once-stodgy ideas like a free-market economy, strong defense, secure borders, and national unity are suddenly appearing fresh and wise.

And the professor is right. America is reawakening. We will throw many of the ideologues out of Congress in November. It remains to be seen if the majority of either or both houses will be wrested from the grip of wannabe social engineers. Regardless of what happens this November, restoring America to long-term economic and cultural health will depend on three factors:

1) The speed of the short-term economic recovery. If the recovery is too rapid, we've got troubles.

2) The depth of dishonesty to which the media sinks to attribute any short-term recovery to Obama's policies, policies which caused the recession and delayed recovery.

3) The depth of gullibility to which American voters sink in swallowing Obama's, the Democrats', and the media's lies.

If a critical mass of voters get duped again and over the next two years fail to return Congress and the White House to advocates for prosperity and freedom, not "fairness" and security, then our inflection point may become a solid left turn into darkness.

Let's not waste time trying to convert Obamabots. Let's focus on people with the ability to see reality and think clearly. Our fate is in our hands.
