by Tom DeWeese
October 27, 2009

ITEM: Compact fluorescent light bulbs, mandated to replace the century-old reliable incandescent bulb (at four times the cost) contain poisonous liquid mercury over 300 times the EPA’s standard accepted safety level. In addition, days after a bulb has been broken, vacuuming or simply crawling across the carpeted floor where the bulb was broken can cause mercury vapor levels to shoot back upwards of 100 times the accepted level of safety.

These figures are according to a report by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) after a woman was quoted $2000 for cleanup of a broken compact fluorescent bulb in her house. In short, it basically takes a HAZMAT team to clean up when a bulb is broken. Worse, as the bulbs are used by more Americans, land fills will become toxic waste dumps, forcing massive government response to deal with normal disposal of the filthy things.

Apparently that is how the “greenâ€