There is nothing multi religious and multi cultural about this proposed mosque at ground zero

Background of Cordoba House/Park 51 New York mosque revealed on radio show

By Dr. Laurie Roth
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Master Private Investigator Doug Hagmann, has done it again. He has pieced together an intricate web of movements and money trails behind this New York mosque and poster child for this project, Imam Feisal Abdul-Rauf. Doug has been my regular guest for many years on my daily, national radio show and has broken many significant stories with Judi McLeod, editor of As usual, most the main media ignores the real stories. They don’t.

One of the ongoing and growing controversies in our media and country today is the aggressive and mysterious push behind cramming an Islamic Mosque a stones throw from ground zero. When I say mosque, (I will jump to the sound bite page) I mean the Cordoba project, no, that was discovered to link to radical and aggressive Islamic history so it was changed to……Park 51. Isn’t that peaceful sounding and ever so generic? Apparently we are to peacefully look the other way and hide behind the endless speeches from the left about ‘freedom of religion’ ‘the multi cultural and religious outreach and push’ ‘Islam’s way of promoting peace.’

Because we masses are so naughty to voice our opinions about the mosque going up near ground zero, Pelosi has called for investigations of and money behind us. Wow! I don’t know what I’m going to do! I think I have two quarters hidden somewhere and my 7 year old will no doubt steal them out of my purse. I am paid SO MUCH for my opinions everyday…..not!

There are only a few teensy weensy problems with the crammed sound bite campaigns. They are false and have nothing at all to do with the real issues and threats at hand! First of all, there is nothing multi religious and multi cultural about this proposed mosque at ground zero. There will be no Synagogue, or Holocaust memorial in it….nothing about Jewish religion or Jewish achievement. There will also be no Christian church or section honoring the words, life and teaching of Jesus Christ.

Imam Feisal Abdul-Rauf is totally supported by President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg as he travels around the world, raising money, (sound bite moment again)…..â€