What to do…what to do…

By Nancy Levant

As the once and former free citizens of the united States of America – the government of, for, and by the people - we have ourselves quite a dilemma. And the biggest and most immediate problem we face is that the citizenry remains stupid, with heads in the sand, re-educated, and media sheep. What to do…what to do…

As I try to read all the watchdog literature that time affords, I am comforted by the willingness, effort, and research of those in the know and willing to act. But I also realize that the problems we face grow larger and more sophisticated on a daily basis, and that the job of simply trying to keep up with the political deception, missions, and disinformation is beyond monumental. And, of course, I also realize that the scope, financial resources, and strength of those missions are beyond historical compare. What a force, people. What a historical world-wide force to be reckoned with, and what an ineffective and largely ignored force the world’s majority has become.

The question that the watchdogs are asked on a daily basis is, “What can we do?â€