Nancy Pelosi Pushing Government to Institute Hitler Youth

November 22, 2011
by da Tagliare

In 1920, Adolf Hitler formed the Youth League of the National Socialist Workers’ Party. In 1922, a new youth organization emerged that eventually became known as Hitler Youth. It targeted boys ages 14-18. Eventually a second group was formed for boys ages 10-14 and a girls’ organization that covered ages 10-18. The goal of the Youth organizations was to indoctrinate the next generation of leaders to help insure the success for the Nazi Party.

From 1922 to 1945, the Hitler Youth saw thousands of teenaged kids turning in their parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, grandparents, cousins and friends, the government for speaking out against Hitler and his Nazi rule. Thousands of people were imprisoned, beaten and even executed. They turned in their neighbors and school mates who were Jewish.

Hitler Youth was so effective that ever today some of them still carry the hatred and prejudices they were taught. The father of a man I worked with was a member of the Hitler Youth. Today’s he’s in his early 80’s and he still hates Jews, Christians and blacks and believes that Hitler should have won the war.

And now House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has announced that she intends to push for national childcare reform, supposedly modeled after Obamacare but is starting to sound more like it is being modeled after Hitler Youth.

Pelosi started by recounting her own experience saying,

“‘I could never get a babysitter — have five kids in six years and no one wants to come to your house. … And everywhere I go, women say the same thing’ about how hard it is to find the kind of reliable care that would make their family lives calmer and work lives more productive.â€