Misrepresenting Scientist Comments and Opposition Arrests--Obama Police State Begins

Lies, Lies…and More Lies

By Sher Zieve
Friday, June 11, 2010

Here we go again with ‘another day and another Obama & Co lie’. Guess our days would no longer be complete without a few dishonest pieces of ObamaPropaganda with our morning coffee. Tragically, many of our fellow citizens are becoming far too used to the tyrant’s hypocrisy and some are, now, even ignoring it as ‘Obama’s business as usual’. To accept patent lies from our country’s leaders is what got us into our current mess in the first place folks. And—as he continues to intensely revel in his still-unstopped destruction of our country—The Obama tells whoppers!

As Obama continues to run from his own legal duties, under both the Clean Water Act and the Oil Pollution Act, he tells us that BP must correct the problem; while thousands of barrels of oil are dispensed into the Gulf each and every day destroying all life with which it comes into contact. But, Obama sees this as a political boon; one in which he plans to use in order to shove through his Cap & Trade bill that will hobble us all. So, he asked a group of scientists (the best in the country he told us) to provide him with a report. Note: Obama wants reports whilst he watches the totality of the occurring daily destruction. We believe he is, again, smiling broadly at his malicious work.

Obama’s scientific experts did—indeed—provide the dictator-in-chief with his requested—demanded—report. However, it did not go far enough for The Obama. So, Obama’s Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar surreptitiously “addedâ€