Buy Arizona!

Posted by Tony Katz in Opinion, Politics on April 27, 2010
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All Patriots Media is the platform for Freedom and Liberty. We believe in the Constitution, and we believe in the rights of American citizens to protect and defend themselves.

When Governor Brewer signed the Arizona immigration bill into law, the citizens of Arizona were greeted with violent attacks, racist signs and graffiti. The City Attorney of San Francisco, Dennis Herrera, is working to initiate a boycott of Arizona goods and businesses. An Arizona Congressman is advocating a boycott of convention business in the state.

Tony Katz, host of The Tony Katz Radio Spectacular, has decided to take action against the threats (violent and economic) on the people of Arizona. All Patriots Media is proud to announce the Buy Arizona! Initiative.

As Tony stated, “The people of Arizona have spoken, and they have made the no-brainer decision to protect themselves. They have stated that they will enforce Federal law, even when the Federal government lacks the determination to do so themselves. They have decided to be the responsible people – regardless of what President Obama says – and take control of an out-of-control situation.

Now there are talks of economic boycotts, and violent attacks upon police officers. Am I the only one who noticed that those who support illegal activities are the ones being violent? Aren’t these the same people who call the Tea Party movement violent? And, if boycotts are the answer, will LaRaza also advocate a boycott of Iranian products? Will the city of San Francisco stop trade with China?

I want the people of Arizona to know that they are not alone. There are millions of people around the country who applaud their efforts. While no one wants to see a rise of the police state, we all want to see illegal immigration stopped. We want to see illegals sent back to their country of origin. We want the borders enforced. We want the rule of law, and we want government to apply the rules.

So, I have created the Buy Arizona! Initiative. Everyday, on the Tony Katz Radio Spectacular, we will provide free advertising for one Arizona business. We will offer the business community of Arizona special advertising rates to reach our growing audience, and help counter the effects of any boycott that is attempted. The Tony Katz Radio Spectacular will stand shoulder to shoulder with Americans who want to live their lives in peace, and provide for their families.â€