By Michael Moriarty
April 20, 2011

Conservatives appear confused as to what terms most accurately describe President Barack Obama and his Administration. Some use the terms liberal and left-wing interchangeably. Others say Obama's rhetoric smacks of Marxism, while the tactics employed by his minions appear to be Stalinist.

With regard to the claim that Barack Obama is a liberal, one can make the argument that perfect examples of political Liberalism are former New York City Mayor Ed Koch and Connecticut's Senator Joe Leiberman. Both democrats and both believing that government is best able to remedy social problems, they still maintain that a militarily strong America makes for a safe America.

Clearly, President Obama is not an Ed Koch or Joe Leiberman liberal.

Some believe that President Obama more resembles El Dulce himself, Benito Mussolini, the consummate fascist.

The fact is that there are many terms being thrown around these days -- Marxist, socialist, liberal, fascist, even communist -- to describe President Obama's beliefs and policies.

In his 2006 book Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie, author and historian Bruce Walker takes his readers into the world of the 20th century power cults of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, with particular emphasis on Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.

In this he shows how much of the historical record has been muddied by educators and historians who ignore works penned during the 1930’s which show that what many of us have been led to believe about these regimes is not true.

Nazis are not Fascists, and Nazi Germany was not always Stalin’s deadly enemy. The German-Soviet non-aggression pact then falls neatly into place and the power hunger of the political systems, which were so similar under their different surfaces, becomes obvious.

Most important, Walker believes that it is the decline in Christian faith and rise of immorality during the late 19th and early 20th centuries that allowed Nazism to rise to power. He takes great care to detail how the Nazis persecuted Christians as well as Jews, because at its core Nazism was a secular religion, worshipping man, instead of God.

Walker also illustrates the close connection between Nazism, Islam, and to a certain extent, militant Hinduism. This discussion leads to an examination of issues of good and evil in society, and why psychology is the wrong approach for examining the behavior of people such as Hitler. This culminates in a discussion of why power-intensive regimes dislike Judeo-Christian principles, and the means by which they propagate the myths of hatred for their own purposes.

In the Obama Administration, such hatred is exposed in documents and statements such as Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's report that targets pro-life, pro-gun and anti-tax conservatives and describes these Americans as being right-wing extremists.

Is Obama a fascist? A socialist? A Marxist? You decide. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/20/us/po ... odayspaper

© 2011 - Michael Moriarty - All Rights Reserved

Michael Moriarty is a Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actor who starred in the landmark television series Law and Order from 1990 to 1994. His recent movie and TV credits include, Pale Rider, Who'll Stop the Rain, The Glass Menagerie, Courage Under Fire, The Yellow Wallpaper, 12 Hours to Live, Santa Baby, Deadly Skies and many more.

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