“When the establishment wants something it usually prevails... Indeed, not until the immigration fight of 2007 did we have such a clear-cut fight. That battle began with the establishment’s prevailing. Then at the end, Senator after Senator came aboard the anti-establishment cause. It was amazing to watch. Members of both parties changed sides... Now there is another people versus the establishment fight. There were thirty years between the Panama Canal Treaty and immigration fights. So it is nothing short of remarkable that there would be another in less than a year... I refer to the Law of the Sea Treaty (called ‘LOST’ by opponents)... Now the entire establishment is allied on one side and the people on the other. Every conservative organization, from CATO to the Family Research Council, some 75 organizations in all, is armed with knowledge and ready to fight. Most members of the establishment are lined up on the other side. All of the liberals in both parties are set to fight. It is strange indeed that President George W. Bush, who withdrew the U.S. from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and withdrew the country from the jurisdiction of the World Court, is fighting with the liberals on this issue. Reagan rejected the Treaty but now George P. Schultz, who served in the Reagan Cabinets, supports it. He is and always has been a member of the establishment. On the other hand, Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. , President of the Center for Security Policy, is fighting LOST with everything he has. He, too, served in the Reagan Administration. He just released a 30-second commercial for television. Clifford Kincaid also has a 30-second commercial. Both are devastating. Talk radio? It is just gearing up, which is good because it played a crucial role in the immigration fight.â€