Media showed its true colors by embarking on an historic and unprecedented propaganda campaign

Fear and Loathing in the Good Ol’ U.S. of A.

By Bill McIntyre
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I watched former U.S. President Bill Clinton, the Democrats’ version of Mahatma Ghandi, on CNN piously fretting over the growing concern on the left that the great unwashed masses known as middle-class America are increasingly viewing violence as an option to safeguard their rights.

Well, golly-gee Bill, you’re a little slow off the mark on this one. You were warned well in advance of the 2008 Presidential Elections that Obama and his misty-eyed troop of Democrats would polarize the country to such an extent with his Marxist agenda that a second civil war was not unthinkable. And don’t you remember the threats of violence that were made near the end of the campaign if Obama lost?

Somebody has to remind you people that Americans have fought and died in the past for their rights and freedoms and will do so again.

Now, Bill, as hard as your friends in the Frankenmedia are trying to paint the Tea Party movement as racist simply because there is little representation from minorities, will not catch on. You see, Bill, since your time in office, folks have become a lot more media savvy thanks mainly to your friend Barack Hussein Obama who somehow lost his birth certificate.

Before, during and after that election the media showed its true colors by embarking on an historic and unprecedented propaganda campaign that I am sure would have warmed the cockles of the heart of George Orwell who penned the novel, 1984.

It was not bad enough that they manipulated that election, but they went further launching a second front to discredit Sarah Palin including bringing one-trick-pony Tina Fey in to ridicule Palin on Saturday Night Live. Palin certainly scared the daylights out of you Democrats, didn’t she Bill? In fact Fey has had to do a reprise during the mid-term elections when Palin isn’t even running to keep her fragile career from failing.

Gawsh darn it Bill, don’t you leftist folks realize what is really bothering people in your own country?

If you don’t then here’s a clue. Bill, a huge part of the population is worried that you, Barack, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and others of your ilk, are destroying the America they love. Now why do you think they feel this way?

Down on your southern border is the failed state of Mexico. Your fences have been in tatters for years and now you find yourselves overrun by more than 13 million illegal “immigrantsâ€