To Filibuster or Not To Filibuster... That is the Question

Posted by Bobby Eberle
June 4, 2009 at 7:24 am

Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor has begun working her way around Capitol Hill, meeting with senators and answering questions. Judge Sotomayor is being praised by Obama and liberal senators. On the Republican side, they just aren't sure what to do.

In light of her 2001 comment which some GOP leaders have termed "racist" (they have now backed down from that term), the idea of a filibuster is being floated. This is being weighed against the Republican fear of alienating Hispanics which will be needed to win many future elections. What are Republicans to do?

As noted in a story on, "Conservatives are demanding that Senate Republicans take a harder line on Sonia Sotomayor."

In a letter to be delivered to Senate Republicans Tuesday, more than 145 conservatives – including Grover Norquist, Richard Viguerie and Gary Bauer — call for a filibuster of Sotomayor’s nomination if that’s what it takes to force a “great debateâ€