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Florida should pass E-Verify law

May 1, 2011
Re the column, "Forcing E-Verify on Florida businesses will do more harm than good" on April 13:

John R. Smith does not want to let Sun Sentinel readers in on the dirty secret that businesses that depend on less-expensive, docile illegal immigrant labor are subsidized by Florida taxpayers. The reason is that illegal immigrant families consume much more in taxpayer-funded social welfare expenditures than they pay in taxes.

Economist Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation noted in 2010 that these families receive on average $30,000 a year in taxpayer-funded education costs, health care and welfare support. The families only pay $10,000 a year in taxes. Middle-class taxpayers pay most of the difference. In summary, the economic benefits of illegal immigration are largely privatized while the large costs are socialized.

Furthermore, as a professional who is certified by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service to process E-Verify authorizations, most of what Smith writes about the E-Verify system is flat-out wrong. Accurate USCIS information available at this link:

Florida would help honest businesses and the middle class by following the lead of several other states by passing an E-Verify law for all employers.

Gene Nelson, Arlington, VA
Copyright © 2011, South Florida Sun-Sentinel


Tom222 at 9:30 AM May 01, 2011
Another dirty little secret (that everyone knows) is the democrats hate E-verify because it slows one of their primary channels for new voters. Don't be fooled. Hiring illegal aliens is against the law. The democrats want businesses to use the antiquated paper system (Forms I-9) because it's easier to cheat and lie and hire cheap illegal labor. Most businesses would go along with mandatory E-verify if all businesses went along. But if some are allowed to cheat, honest businesses cannot compete. We need this law. Besides E-verify simply automates and is much less expensive than the cumbersome I-9 process.

Stop&Think at 6:48 AM May 01, 2011
Scott has passed legislation that mandates any state agency implement E-verify..Hispanic interest groups are stonewalling him on private buisiness's ..its up to us without prejudice's to impart on this governor the true cost of NOT IMPLEMENTING this mandate.

Its no secret that illegals cost much more than they contribute and Florida has Hispanic groups circumventing every social service known by the state to pay for them without over sight.

Stop patronizing business's that employ illegals, make formal complaints to ICE"S "secure communities" Hotlines. If you hire a contractor "ask if their workers have valid papers to work in the US". DONT DO BUSINESS with anyone not documented. Besides, you have no legal remedy for liability if a bunch of roofers or painters screw up the job. They will underbid almost every aspect of work in this state, you will get what you pay for. Shoddy materials, and you will end up paying twice what the job should have been originally. dont take my word for it, ask Miami Dade who's inspectors were all on the take after Andrew, when they hired their "brother in laws" to do the work on rebuilding. Make no mistake much of this states insurance cost are so high due to the crappy work and dirty under the table dealings illegals have perpetrated on us..ask Miami Dade's Kathern Rundle, she knows