Quote Originally Posted by vortex
Years ago there was a saying that never buy a car built on a Monday or a Friday in this country. Those built on Monday were sloppy as many of the workers were hung over from the weekend. And Friday cars were sloppy because the workers were clock watching to get off.
Actually, too many companies spent years creating fuctional obsolescence. If a car or a washing machine lasts 30 years, they have lost a customer. So if a product breaks down, you have to hit the market again. Gotta keep those profits up and shareholders happy.
And I work now for a company that sells mostly electronics...mostly from Communist China. I can't TELL you how many calls we get on a daily basis about the JUNK coming out of those nations. Stupid Americans pay thousands for a tv...only to have it fall apart in 2 days and then they have to wait 2 MONTHS for replacment parts because they come from Communist China. I just mute the phone and laugh and tell them what morons they are for supporting a communist government in the first place.

Additionally, my ex is the president of a small electronics company here in the US...and he was drunk every single night. The first thing he did was grab the liquor bottle and a bottle of beer and that continued all evening long, so it's not only American auto workers who drink.

My family and friends worked in the auto making industry for years. Some are retired now and some are still, miraculously, working. NONE of them drinks like that. I realize this is a small representation overall, but if my family and friends are any indication, this was just more BS put out by the elites to make us all sound like a bunch of incompetent, bumbling drunks who never did an honest days work in our lives.