By Rev. Ted Pike
23 June 09

Senate Judiciary Democrats have stacked Thursday's hate bill hearing with pro-hate bill witnesses, apparently by a ratio as high as 5 to 1!

At the same time, Christian/conservative groups, attempting to submit their own lists of witnesses against S. 909, are being turned away!

The official hearing notice/witness list at gives special importance to the testimony of Atty. Gen. Eric Holder in favor of the hate bill. He is followed by these other witnesses:

Janet Langhart Cohen, wife of former Clinton Sec. of Defense William Cohen, undoubtedly pro-hate bill.
Dr. Mark Achtemeier, theology professor from Dubuque Theological Seminary. He has been the center of controversy for allegedly homosexual-friendly statements and is very probably pro-hate bill.
Gail Heriot, commissioner, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, definitely pro-hate bill.
Brian W. Walsh, The Heritage Foundation, opposing the hate bill.
Michael Lieberman, counsel for the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, originator of the hate bill.
Judiciary Bias against Christian/Conservatives

Janet Porter of Faith2Action told me conservative groups, such as Traditional Values Coalition, have submitted names of scholarly opponents of the hate bill as potential witnesses. These include internationally recognized hate law authority Robert L. Knight. But, she said, they are all being turned away.

Thus, we face a hate bill hearing in which are featured not only the Attorney General in support of the bill but liberals by a probable ratio of 5 to 1!

Lovers of freedom must loudly protest starting early Wednesday morning! Call all members of the Senate toll-free 1-877-851-6437 or toll 1-202-225-3121 (names listed HERE on the action page at Give this message: "We demand a balance between conservative and liberal witnesses in the Judiciary hate bill hearing on Thursday. This hearing is rigged in favor of liberals by a probable ratio of 5 to 1!"

Judiciary liberals are determined not to let authorities like Robert L. Knight "contaminate" their proceedings with descriptions of how hate laws have taken away free speech in Canada and western countries. It is up to YOU on Wednesday to let all members of the Senate know we will not allow a liberal "kangaroo hearing" to move the hate bill forward to passage. Wednesday is the only effective day to protest this outrage. Thursday will be too late.

If pro-hate bill Senators are made aware of Judiciary discrimination against conservatives, some may agree the hate bill is too shaky to withstand normal legislative scrutiny. Let's avalanche the Senate on Wednesday, encouraging doubt of the hate bill. Only one or two Senators who fall away from its support could doom passage.

That would be enough to save freedom.