I've got an emai lfrom Sen.Mel Martinez after a lot of bla bla bla this announcement :

Casework Corner

*Carolina Gomez contacted the Office of Senator Martinez for assistance in bringing her four-year-old son from Cuba. Because the young boy’s maternal grandmother, his guardian, has become terminally ill, the child has come under the care of neighbors. The mother’s request for humanitarian parole for her son was denied.

After Mrs. Gomez contacted Senator Martinez’s office for help, a caseworker contacted the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office and asked the board to reconsider their denial of humanitarian parole. After thoughtful consideration, the decision was overturned and the young boy will be reunited with his mother in the United States within three to four weeks.

If you have questions about a federal agency, please contact the Orlando Regional Office by calling (407) 254-2573 to speak with a member! of the Casework Department. The toll-free number for Florida residents is (866) 630-7106. To find out more about how my office can help you, go to http://martinez.senate.gov or stop by one of our scheduled Community Office Hours in your area.

*The names have been changed to protect the privacy of the constituents.


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