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Rev. Jeremiah Wright to speak in Detroit at month's end

The one piece of good news for Barack Obama in Rev. Jeremiah Wright's latest plan for a return to the pulpit (of a sort), is that it will occur five days after Pennsylvania's April 22 primary (though in plenty of time to have a potential impact on the May 6 primaries in North Carolina and Indiana.)

The Associated Press reports that Obama's retired minister, whose occasionally inflammatory exhortations on race in particular and the United States in general created major political angst for his one-time parishioner, will deliver the keynote address on April 27 at a dinner in Detroit sponsored by that city's branch of the NAACP.

LaToya Henry, the chapter's communications coordinator, expanded on the invite in an e-mail to Times reporter Ben DuBose. Wright, she said, "has challenged the nation, challenged our comfort zone and stimulated nation-wide discussion on the issues of how we must move forward together as both a nation and a people. We look forward to his participation" at the NAACP gathering.

The dinner's theme, according to Henry, is "A Change is Going to Come." The nation, she said, "is at a crossroads as it relates to the ultimate direction we will take politically, socially and in race relations.... As we prepare for the challenges that we face not only today but as we seek to come together and understand each other as a people for tomorrow, we believe ...
that this is a key moment in history to take it to the next level."

The Detroit NAACP branch, she added, "continues to be bold, progressive and far-reaching in its efforts to both challenge its own membership and the community itself."

It is certainly living up to that pledge with the decision to put Wright into the spotlight.

After the furor surrounding his past remarks erupted in mid-March, Wright had been scheduled later that month to deliver a series of sermons in the Tampa, Fla., area -- a trip he'd been making for years. But those appearances were cancelled amid concerns about the media swarm the black churches hosting Wright would have confronted.

-- Don Frederick

Photo credit: Associated Press

April 10, 2008 in Democratic Politics, Faith and Politics, Gaffes, Presidential Campaign, Race and Ethnicity, Religion | Permalink

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Jeremiah Wright needs to be given the same liberty to criticize his OWN darn country as Elton John of Great Britian was just given. E John was contacted by CNN to EXPLAIN his comments, and then applauded on TV by American citizens, for his criticism. Why wasn't Wright contacted to EXPLAIN his statements as well?

Because a Black man has to have secret service protection in order to run for president in this country, is probably why Jeremiah Wright calls it US of KKK A.

Jeremiah Wright called on his own country to change it's ways, and he's being LYNCHED on tv, while Elton John is being praised, and YOU people wonder why Wright felt the need to preach such a sermon. Give Me A Break!

Posted by: Hillary | April 10, 2008 at 04:25 PM

Jeremiah Wright vs Geraldine Ferraro in the boxing ring to decide once and for all which race is best. Other races can be included in the tournament as soon as they find representatives as ridiculously pitiful as these two. It could be broadcast by Fox TV.

Posted by: N.E. BodybutHillary | April 10, 2008 at 04:31 PM

"A Change is Going to Come"?

Is this Wright's way of saying that if Obama wins, everything he has taught him all these years will finally come to fruition?

No wonder so many people what OBAMA to be vetted properly! He has not heard the end of this controversy.

Posted by: BJ | April 10, 2008 at 04:43 PM

Does anybody know what Socialism is??
Remember Communist that what all this ideology and extreamism could be?

Posted by: Ken Taylor | April 10, 2008 at 05:59 PM

It is a shame that the racist white Bolshevik and Bushevik media and their racist black cohorts did not permit the racist Obama to be vetted properly until after he had won the nomination. He would have lost 10-15 percent of the votes he now has if we had known he and his wife attended a racist black christian church that is on par with the racist Nation of Islam that Obam's neighbor Louis Farrakhan leads. Wright preaches like a Hitler (does he have some German blood ancestry) and practices a racist anti-Caucasian religion that is so hate filled that certainly Obama and his followers must be filled with a cancer called racism. THey are all racists - period . Thank God I am still permitted to speak truth to these hate filled people. Join a true Christian path and preach love and peace not the hate whitety BS you racists always do.

Posted by: American Joe | April 10, 2008 at 08:24 PM

Jeremiah Wright is emerging as one of America's greatest ministers. The media thugs who tried to destroy him with that fraudulent clipped 30-second video should realize that their days in the sun are over. Now that Trinity Church has posted Wright's entire 10-minute sermon for all the world to view, everyone can see what a genius Wright is. Far from being a person who hates America or hates whites, Wright is one of America's greatest hidden treasures. Thanks to the idiots who tried to destroy him, Wright's genius isn't hidden anymore. Wright is shining like a bright beacon light for all the world to see. He does make one Proud to be an American.

Posted by: Charles Prentiss | April 10, 2008 at 10:20 PM

Just unbelievable!

I am an immigrant to this country and if someone calls this country U.S of KKK, I would just turn away and run from it. HOw can a candidate for President be FRIEND with such a character??

Is this the CHANGE Obama is talking about

Posted by: frieda | April 10, 2008 at 11:43 PM

Why blame Obama for his pastor's comments? After 20 years of sitting in his church and tens of thousands of dollars in support, he and Michelle are clueless to the man's message of hatred of white America.

Posted by: liveoakgap | April 11, 2008 at 07:35 AM

Wright's message of victimization has netted him a very comfortable retirement and a million dollar home.
Does one really think racial healing or helping his Bros is in his best interest?

Posted by: liveoakgap | April 11, 2008 at 07:45 AM

Well, now Rev. Wright, with his inflamatory remarks and point of view, makes him an established American celebrity...only in America...go figure?

Posted by: southern style | April 11, 2008 at 09:37 AM

Does the reluctance of the Obama campaign to make Obama available to the gay written about in Politico this week... have anything to do with the potentially explosive story of Larry Sinclair, and the Obama campaign's desire to avoid dealing with related questions?

This story has received no main stream press coverage, yet, but if there is any substance to it it will come out, and would be devastating to Obama in a General Election.

Sinclair seems like a nut to me, but then that would probably be a prerequisite for the activities he describes.

Could you imagine the MSP sitting on this story if there were similar allegations, and a federal court case, involving McCain or Clinton?

I've read that the LA Times is one of those news organizations that has been working this story, but has been too afraid of the potential blowback after the NY Times handline of the McCain lobbyist story.

Posted by: scoop | April 11, 2008 at 10:27 AM
Wright's speech may be 5 days after PA's primary, but this article will do just fine. If Obama becomes POTUS, is this the type of person he will be beholden to?