Full-Time Jobs -228,000; Part-Time Jobs +31,000

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/03/2012 09:10 -0400

Bureau of Labor Statistics

We got the pre-spun job quantity data already, where we learned that nearly 3 times the headline print was due to seasonal and B/D adjustments and is thus nothing but noise. Now we get the quality. As can be seen below, courtesy of Table A9 from the Household Survey, in July the number of part-time jobs added was 31K, bringing the total to 27,925, just shy of the all time record of 28,038. Full time jobs? Down 228,000 to 114,345,000 lower than the February full-time jobs print of 114,408,000. Once again, more and more Americans are relinquishing any and all benefits associated with Full Time Jobs benefits, and instead are agreeing on a job. Any job. Even if it means working just 1 hour a week.

For the BLS it doesn't matter - 1 hour of work a week still qualifies you as a Part-Time worker.

Full time and part-time jobs summary:

Full-Time Jobs -228,000; Part-Time Jobs +31,000 | ZeroHedge