Middle Class Task Force

Barack…my Pen Pal

By Howard W. Houchen Saturday, July 18, 2009

I believe it was late January 2009, a few days after the Obama inauguration, that it was announced by the fledgling White House Office of Propaganda (sorry, media relations team) the creation of the Middle Class Task Force. The Official Communiqué informed me that America’s new President was so concerned with the plight and the struggles of the backbone of American society that his Executive Office needed a mechanism by which it could ensure help would be targeted and lasting. This was such an important issue that the Mighty Joe Biden was appointed to see this task through.

Since the new President seemed to show a genuine interest in my particular social category and was kind enough to send a message about it, I responded with the following: ‘Mr. President: While I have been extremely skeptical of your past, your present, and your future plans relative to what your view of what America should be, I do applaud the establishment of the new Task Force. As long as you understand that a Middle Class Task Force must actually include members of the MIDDLE CLASS! Without their participation this will simply be an exercise in futility as it will lack any semblance of legitimacy.â€