Would you buy a brand new house and force your kids to pay the bill? If so, read no further.

Our generation has amassed an incomprehensible debt that has effectively bought a mansion on the hill. Worse, we continue to re-elect the same leaders who insist on borrowing even more money. Our children will be saddled with this horrendous burden—unless we take action now! I do not sleep well at night knowing what is happening. Do you?

Sixty-two percent of Americans want to vote out every member of Congress(1), including their own representative, but the current system ensures 85% or more will be re-elected. Isn’t it time to try something new?

A mere 6% believe Congress is doing a good job; we must let our peers know there is a new way to elect leaders.

Convince them that simply voting for members of "their" party has proven not to work. Ninety percent of those in office today will be re-elected next year—unless we do something SIGNIFICANTLY different. We have a plan, but we need you to get five others to join our group. Can you do it? Will you? Or will we force our children to pay this bill?

Don’t just forward an email; that is not sufficient. Please make a commitment to get five others to join. Consider writing on the wall of each and every Facebook friend.

Perhaps you will print 100 copies of our Patriot Proclamation, and post where others can see. Pin a copy to a bulletin board at work. Place a copy in the chair of each co-worker. Ask the manager/owner at a local restaurant or store if you can place copies at their establishment. Hand them out to people leaving an event you attend.


Perhaps you will email your favorite television show and ask them to consider GOOOH as a topic. Here are a few to contact (randomly chosen from our database): kudlow@cnbc.com, letters@usatoday.com, 60m@cbsnews.com, oreilly@foxnews.com, anderson.cooper@turner.com, Rachel@msnbc.com, ABC News, CBS Sundays, or NBC. We don’t care who you contact, or if you contact them all, but please spend a few minutes asking the media to consider our idea.

Let them know we have a plan. There is no other viable strategy in place to effect significant change next year!

Trying to unseat incumbents one by one is a recipe for failure. The approach fails 95% of the time! We saw an enormous shift in political power in the House of Representatives last year, but has anything of significance changed? Yes, they are talking about reduced spending and a balanced budget, but talk is cheap. These politicians will never agree on a plan.

Both parties will continue to play us like fools as long as we let them. They will always blame the other party when nothing gets done. We must convince our peers that the current system prevents either party from fixing the problems that are destroying our nation!

We will choose candidates to compete in the primaries. Will you help us recruit enough members to succeed?

We will begin requesting donations next month. Are you prepared to invest? Success can never be guaranteed, but if we can get 100,000 members to donate $100, we will have ample funds to awake the nation. Will you donate when the time comes?

Polls prove we understand the problem, but are we brave enough to act?

The current process is rigged! Are we willing to try a new approach?

There is no other comprehensive plan in place. Unless we are willing to do something now, something different, our kids will soon be forced to pay our bills. I may go broke trying to prevent that from happening, but I will not sit idly by and hope the problem magically fixes itself. It will not.

Please get five others to join us. Make time to contact members of the media. For the sake of our kids, I hope you will do all that you can.

In Liberty,

Tim Cox

Founder, GOOOH.com
