When I first saw the now infamous Google doodle published last week I was a bit perplexed. Was every social justice warrior’s favorite search engine honoring an unsung Asian suffragette, or perhaps one of Anita Sarkeesian’s cyber-feminist forebears? As it turns out, Google was paying tribute to a Marxist, anti-American demagogue who admired cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal and the late Al Qaeda emir Osama Bin Laden. Yuri Kochiyama would cut an odd figure today, coming as she did from what’s now one of the most well-educated and generally well-off non-white ethnicities in this country; a group which politically is more often associated with the liberal, yet deeply patriotic, Japanese-Americans living in Hawaii than avowed Maoist revolutionaries.

Even her experience as Nisei living during an era where she and her family were interned for years and dispossessed of their worldly possessions doesn’t fully explain her radicalism when you consider the path taken by her
contemporaries under similar circumstances...