Glenn speaks to the NRA: “Yes I Will”

Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 6:29 PM PDT

Video at source, very moving and funny!

A chalkboard, history, un-pasturized butter, and a shoe – there is only one man who could take all of these things, put them together in a speech, and get a standing ovation. That man is Glenn Beck.

Saturday night Glenn gave the keynote at the National Rifle Associations annual convention. He was introduced to the stage by the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre, who told the crowd that “he shoots straight and gun owners couldn’t have a better fan.”
Glenn kicked off the speech by clearing the air about who he is endorsing for President of the United States – his shoe.

“Anyone but Barack Obama, including my shoe,” Glenn said. “He’d do better than Barack Obama, I can make the case.”

Glenn speaks to the NRA: “Yes I Will” – Glenn Beck