A Taxpayer Bail-Out Plan
Jim Kirwan

Since America has chosen to do nothing at all for taxpayers, some rather obvious redistribution corrections need to be made, in who is taxed, and who shall be exempt for life: based on the government's criminal violations of the rights of millions of its citizens.

This proposal is based on the founding compact that exists between the consent of the governed and the government to "raise taxes" upon its citizens: This compact shall be null and void as to the payment of any taxes in the following cases, and for the reasons cited.

1) All citizens have the right to participate in their government by voting; those citizens that have been excluded from the voter rolls illegally by privately contracted firms seeking to limit the number or class of voters that are allowed to vote in any election, should automatically be excluded from ever paying any state or federal taxes: as they have been officially disenfranchised by the government which, by this government's action, no longer recognizes the citizen's sovereign right to representation.

2) Those citizens that have lost their jobs to illegal's that the US government has granted both "services" and "rights" to: while at the same time the now unemployed US citizen's no longer have. These US citizens likewise shall no longer pay federal or state taxes. In cases where the government has aided illegal's to obtain US jobs, then those Americans that lose their jobs because of this policy, shall also no longer pay federal or state taxes.

3) Any US Citizen while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States that has lost his or her right to vote, based on race, partyaffiliation or place of residence shall no longer pay any state or federal taxes, because the government has denied those peoples their legitimate right to vote, while defending the country: this action by the government has terminated the compact between those citizens and their government. Since the US government has chosen not to recognize these service personnel when it comes time for participatory representation in their government Â* then obviously the government cannot demand taxes from those same people to whom the government has denied the right to vote!

4) Any US citizen that has lost his or her job to the offshore relocation of their job, because of US government policies that permit this displacement of the work force for the convenience of the owners of the company, at the expense of the work force, ought to be eligible for permanent tax relief because it has always been the job of government to protect American jobs from foreign competition.

Again the compact between the people and the government that the people put in place to protect themselves from undue threats and competition failed in its duty to the citizen; thereby nullifying the citizens obligations to continue to pay taxes to a government that does not recognize those citizens as having a right to expect protection from illegal competition for the American jobs they once held.

5) All citizens: That due to the failure of government policies have lost at least half of their retirement, or their savings, or their 401K accounts. Those citizens should be granted permanent relief from all state and federal taxes Â* because those citizens had a right to expect government oversight over the financial practices on Wall Street and in the Banks as well as from the supposed Watchdog agencies in the US Treasury, the Securities Exchange Commission and the Federal Reserve Bank. The failure here is crucial because of the extreme losses suffered that are due directly to government ineptitude and possible criminal negligence!

6) Any American citizen that has been interfered with when attempting to travel within this country or beyond, without a stated reason from the government for that interference, in writing. Those citizens too that now number over a million should be expunged from the tax roles.

7) All those citizens involved in the natural disasters that in thousands of cases took everything they had. Those citizens in many cases were not allowed to vote, and did not receive any of the promised help from the government, during or after said events; to which by law they should have been entitled. Taking them off the tax rolls hardly seems fitting when they should be getting money from the government as they were promised, along with relocation help and assistance which never arrived. Perhaps in addition to their removal from the tax rolls those citizens might be granted a cash settlement that accurately reflects their individual loses case by case.

I am NOT a lawyer, but common law practices would suggest that in any two party arrangement. When one party flagrantly violates the terms of the agreement upon which the so-called "partnership" was formed: then that partnership, as originally written, has to be dissolved, and some direct form of compensation must be considered.

Compensation must be leveled in direct proportion of the injury done to the victim of the fraud, the incompetence, or the outright elimination of rights in the terms of the compact between the government and the governed - in each specific case.

Any serious government response to this proposal ought to include the recognition that by their actions this government has disenfranchised, shunned, attacked or injured (depending on the instance) American citizens, instead of honoring their commitment to those citizens under the laws of the United States of America. When those laws are violated and due process is denied to the accused: then the accused must be permanently removed from the tax roles as well.

If properly implemented this proposal could remove several millions of people from the tax rolls of this country, and this would only just be a beginning step: given that the government has scorned the citizens of the United States in far too many ways, over the entire eight years of the Bush Administration - to not have to pay severely for their blatant violations of the rights of so many United States Citizens.


