UPDATE - Canada Changes Position On GMO Wheat

By Barbara H. Peterson

Due to intense pressure, the following statement was released today, April 7, 2011, by the National Research Council of Canada:

UPDATE - Thursday, April 7, 2011: The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) issued a statement to clarify that it has no plans to research genetically modified (GM) wheat.
NRC now states: "GM wheat is not an objective of the NRC wheat program. We will be developing a number of tools that will be used to reduce the breeding cycle, increase yield and adapt to climate stresses. GM varieties are not contemplated at this time."
Hmmm... "GM varieties are not contemplated AT THIS TIME."

Hopefully, the pressure can be sustained to keep them from contemplating GM varieties at ANY time.

Go Canada!

To read the original story - Canada Okays GMO Wheat, click HERE http://farmwars.info/?p=5734
