Why the race card?

The Good Ship Lollipop is taking on water. The crew is threatening mutiny.
Captain Lobama has too think quick. How to keep the crew from lowering the lifeboats and abandonning the ship. The Captain needs the crew to keep bailing the water. Out comes the race card. Psychological warfare all around.

The crew has been with him from the begining. They are starting to wander. Now he plants the seeds in their brains. They started out emotionally charged. They came on board all gun-ho. By paying the race card, Captain Lobama pleaded with their emotions to continue, to recommit to the fight, to protect their Captain from the forces of the pirate racists. Pay attention to your Captain, look at what they (the racists) are trying to do to all we have worked for! He has their attention, they will fight the pirates.

The pirates have also been hit with the same pshchological bomb. The pirates are now angry and iratated from the race card allegations. This is where they falter. They are angry! Anger clouds the mind, and the eyes. They cannot see straight. They are ready to take on the Good Ship Lollipop. Is that a mistake? Yes. The pirates are being lulled into a fight that they should avoid. Timle to sail the pirate ship into port and get their buddies. The independent states. Each has a ship. Get the whole fleet and then go set sail with an armada to take on the Good Ship Lollipop. Captain Lobama has been blowing smoke trying to get the pirates to pay attention to his ship. The Captain knows if he can keep their attention he can buy time and remain floating as long as his crew is willing to bail water and sail in circles while the pirates chase him.

Bring in the armada. Sink the Good Ship Lollipop.

The MSM and the talkies keep talking. Racism. Smoke screen Staged. Look at the Good Ship Lollipop. Do not look away. Stay focused, chase the Captain in circles. Who will get dizzy first?