WYOMING REPUBLICAN PRIMARY DAY: Liz Cheney Expected To Go Down In Flames

By Mike LaChance - August 15, 2022

The Republican primary in Wyoming is finally here, and voters will now have a chance to send a message to Rep. Liz Cheney.

All polling seems to indicate that the message is going to be something along the lines of “get lost.”
Cheney has ignored the concerns of her constituents in favor of obsessing over January 6th and Donald Trump. Now she may pay the price for it.
The Hill reports:
Former President Trump is bracing for one of his biggest political wins since leaving the White House: ousting Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.).
Cheney, one of the few House Republicans who voted last year to impeach Trump, appears headed for defeat on Tuesday when she faces off against a Trump-backed rival, attorney Harriet Hageman, in one of the most highly anticipated primary contests of the year.

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On the surface, Cheney’s position isn’t entirely unique; most of the 10 Republicans who voted for Trump’s impeachment have either lost renomination this year or opted against running for reelection altogether. But the race carries symbolic value for Trump and his relentless effort to purge the GOP of one of his most ardent conservative critics…
The most recent polling in the Wyoming race looks bleak for Cheney. A survey conducted early last month by Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy for the Casper Star-Tribune found Hageman with a 22-point lead over Cheney.
Since then, there are signs that Hageman’s advantage has only widened. A University of Wyoming poll released last week showed Cheney trailing by a staggering 29-point margin.
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This is actually about more than just Liz Cheney.

Dinesh D'Souza

The Wyoming primary isn’t just about Liz Cheney. It’s a referendum in a deep red state on what the mainstream of the Republican Party thinks about the #january6thcommittee and its unrelenting project to discredit Trump among his fellow Republicans. Let’s see who gets the boot!

10:32 AM · Aug 14, 2022

Wyoming voters can send a very loud message today.
Will they?

WYOMING REPUBLICAN PRIMARY DAY: Liz Cheney Expected To Go Down In Flames (americanlookout.com)