
This Graphic Anti-Bath Salts PSA Might Make You Want to Take Drugs Just To Forget it

Posted on January 3, 2013 at 11:56am
by Becket Adams
Comments (41)

[Editor's note: The following video contains images that some readers may find disturbing]:


Because “bath salts” have apparently become something of problem in the U.S. Navy, the department decided to release a six minute-plus PSA entitled “BATH SALTS: It’s not a fad…It’s a NIGHTMARE.”

The message? Drugs are bad — really bad:

BATH SALTS: It's not a fad...It's a NIGHTMARE. - YouTube

“Bath salts are a non-regulated designer drug comprised of a synthetic cathinone, or amphetamine, that can have dangerous and debilitating effects on those who use them,” the video’s YouTube description reads.

“The adverse health effects from bath salt use can range from agitation, lack of appetite, kidney failure, muscle spasms, severe paranoid delusions and psychosis. Several cases of long-term patient hospitalization and suicide have been reported,” the discretion adds.

Apparently bath salts will lead to Satan, girlfriend abuse, and rave music (not necessarily in that order). Don’t do drugs.

Follow Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) on Twitter

(H/T: Gawker). Featured image YouTube.

This Graphic Anti-Bath Salts PSA Might Make You Want to Take Drugs Just To Forget it | Video |