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Hold on to your seat for this interview!

The second American Revolution may not be remembered.

Is America descending into a gray state? We sit down with
writer/producer David Crowley and Actor Danny Mason from the new
"Gray State" film to preview the concept trailer, discuss the just
how far America has fallen into the "Gray State," and how YOU can
help make this movie happen!

Watch and share:

EXCLUSIVE: First Look at The Gray State
Watch the interview HERE: Gray State Official Website

The second American Revolution may not be remembered. Gray State
is an independently produced project about the collapse of America.
The producers are seeking the funding the project needs to be made
into a full length, commercially viable feature film. Find out
more about Gray State and how you can be a part of the process:
Gray State Official Website

The trailer has been described as a prophetic window to a
terrifying potential future - imagine the impact it could have on
mainstream theater audiences! Please forward this email on to
everyone you know, and let's get this film made to the scale it

Gray State Official Website