Wholesale liquidation of the US constitution

There is but one Sovereign

By Dave Macy
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Keeping up with the wholesale liquidation of the US constitution is not easy these days.

The Fed is printing Monopoly money, the president is signing away our God inspired constitutional rights in Copenhagen, the congress is giving carte blanche to trillion dollar increases in our debt, and elected officials have sold their soul to try to allow the federal government control of one seventh of our economy by taking over health care.

While the world is busy using a spreadsheet (no pun intended) to keep track of the latest Tiger Woods birdie, those entrusted with defending our inalienable rights are hard at work reducing this once great nation to third world status.

America lost its common sense, morality, and justice in its judicial system long ago and now is in danger of bowing to international law. Many will tell you that we have already abdicated our sovereignty with a UN treaty signed by JFK in 1963.

As a Christian pastor who desires to see disciples made from all nations, I can only say that the reason we let the immorality and perversion that is a cancer in America come so far is that we long ago stopped being a country that was rooted in the Judeo Christian ethic. We have allowed the revisionists of history to write off everything good and replace it with lies from the pit of hell.

Communism, hedonism, socialism, indeed all the godless ‘ism’s’ didn’t happen overnight. They carefully planned to infiltrate our churches, our schools, our politics, and especially our sources of information. The sanctity of life once meant something in America, but since Rove vs. Wade we have murdered millions upon millions of babies in the name of “choiceâ€