Gun-rights groups unite to challenge federal law

August 26, 2009
by Personal Liberty News Desk

Gun-rights groups unite to challenge federal law The Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA) and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) have formed an alliance in order to advance the principles of the Montana Firearms Freedom Act (MFFA), recently passed by the state’s legislature and signed into law by Governor Brian Schweitzer, in a federal court.

The MFFA declares that any firearms made and retained in Montana are not subject to federal authority, and its supporters want to use the bill to mount a legal challenge to federal power under the interstate commerce clause.

The two organizations are planning to file the lawsuit for a declaratory judgment in federal court on October 1st.

"We’re excited to get the MFFA into court to articulate and argue the principles of freedom and states’ rights," says Gary Marbut, president of MSSA, an organization which works to advance pro-gun and pro-hunting bills in the Montana legislature.

"It’s especially encouraging that people in so many other states are getting tickets to ride this particular freedom train," he adds, referring to the fact that 19 other states have passed, or are planning to pass, similar legislation.

Founded in 1974, SAF is the nation’s oldest and largest education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the constitutional right to privately own and possess firearms. ... -19333387/