Dylan Ratigan Show, Ted Rall

What’s Next For The Left: Violence?

By Bob Parks
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

On Monday’s Dylan Ratigan Show, cartoonist (and not even a very good one) Ted Rall suggests non-violence isn’t working.

Video: "Anti American Manifesto" Time for Revolution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=namL_pIqsVo

November 09, 2010
Truth or Propaganda? You decide.
Political cartoonist Ted Rall appeared on the "Dylan Ratigan Show" on MSNBC to discuss his new book and the need for revolutionary change in America. While he did note violence is the last resort, it is one that he believes will ultimately become a part of the American DNA.
I’m not sure the left really wants to go there.

Then again, Ted Rall seems to….

The millions of partisans who follow Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and right-wing televangelists happen to be the best-armed people around, and they despise just about everyone who doesn’t think and pray like them. They will see collapse as affirmation of their beliefs that secular liberalism is destructive. They will also see it as an opportunity to create a new, ordered world atop the ashes. They will act to stop teenage sluts from getting abortions, teach ******s a lesson, and slaughter those spics, dots, and everyone else who doesn’t fit into their vision of what and who is right. — Ted Rall, The Anti-American Manifesto http://www.black-and-right.com/wp-conte ... XCERPT.pdf

In reading this excerpt from Rall’s book I note he’s telling everyone else what they should be ready to do. Funny how that works.
