Here’s Why Liberal Talk About Income Inequality Is Just Talk: How Their Obsession Is Only Used For Show

By Joseph R. Carducci on January 5, 2014 Subscribe to Joseph R. Carducci's Feed

After looking back on all the different types of governments and different models of society throughout history, there’s little question that the more they focus on income inequality, the more the poor suffer. One of the major reasons for this is that with more focus, societies tend to go down the road of income redistribution. Beyond that, is there any doubt that even if you are poor, it is far better to be poor in a free market democracy like the US instead of the old Soviet Union, Cuba, or Vietnam?

Isn’t it interesting to see how, in more modern times, places like China experience tremendous economic growth through the embrace of capitalistic policies (the same that made America a superpower)? At the same time, we are seeing liberal Democrats in America embrace some of the same policies that led to hundreds of millions of Chinese, Cubans, and Vietnamese living in huts on less than a dollar a day!

Liberals, like Barrack Obama, the Kennedy’s, and idiots like Michael Moore, are wrong when they talk about income inequality. In fact, they’re not just wrong, they’re hypocrites.

Obviously, if someone has truly rare skills and they work 60 hours a week, they deserve a higher income than someone who is uneducated and only works part-time at a menial job. Yet you do not see liberals like Obama or Al Gore or Bill Clinton giving back their millions of dollars or refusing to work for an ‘unequal’ salary or income level.

In fact, these liberals feel that they ‘deserve’ more money than ‘regular’ people. They may even be right, if their skills are significantly better than the average worker. However, they also think that ‘other people’ like you and I should have more of our income taken away and redistributed for the common good. Its hypocritical to say a CEO should have his or her pay limited while liberal politicians and cultural elites make almost unlimited money.

The interesting thing is that income inequality in America is almost a misnomer now. Even children from families in the bottom fifth in terms of their income can get a college education.

Of those that do, 84 percent will escape the bottom fifth and 19 percent will actually make it to the top 20 percent of income earners. Did you know that over the last 50 years the number of Americans living below the poverty line has ranged from 12 to 15 percent?

Being a “poor” American is not nearly as bad as you might think. More than 80 percent of poor Americans have cell phones, televisions, and refrigerators. Most also own a motor vehicle and have more living space than the average European. On top of all this, immigrants from all over the world still want to come here for a chance at a better life. This would not be happening if “poor” Americans were living in squalor.

Liberals and their obsessions are really only about making themselves feel good. That and appealing to low information voters who think that these policies will have some real effects.

It is also about appealing to those on government welfare and not interested in bettering themselves. That way they can continue to get more and more money from the government.

What do YOU think? Is the liberal obsession with income inequality misguided? Is it designed only to make themselves feel better and get votes from the low information crowd? What is a better way to address the issue of income inequality?

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