Religious and political liberals who thought it was their birthright to regulate our lives to the hilt plowed onward

Here A Sin, There A Vice And Liberals Want To Tax Them All

By J.J. Jackson
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Raise your hand if you have ever sinned. Ok, shame on those of you who kept your hands down because you have sinned once again by lying. I know you will not admit it. But you have. Stop pretending.

When it comes to demagoging, sins are always easy things to target considering their nature. As such they often sport big red bull’s-eyes for those that want to force others, and perhaps even themselves, from partaking of them. Some of these sins even get special treatment such as the seven deadly ones which get singled out as Capital Vices. While some sins, if not checked, would lead to societal collapse such as murder and lying under oath in a court of law because they specifically involve someone other than the person partaking in the vice being harmed, most sins are actually quite harmless except to the person partaking of them. At least to start out.

Sins do have a tendency to get out of hand. Lust, for example, does not in and of itself harm anyone except the person engaging in those desires. But when the person consumed by lust, for example, commits rape and violates the person of another to fulfill that desire or murders her husband so that she can be with her lover it is without a doubt true that things have gone too far. And our laws should and do reflect that.

But because some people carry their sins, which are normally harmless to others, to a level where actual harm is visited upon another, is that a reason to try to control the sin? No, especially when most of the time the sin is known only to the mind of those engaging in it. Thought Police are a scary thing to contemplate and would be necessary if sins were to be punished by law carte blanche.

Our religions have become infested with the same sorts of liberals that have corroded our government. And when these two groups, liberals representing religion and liberal representatives in government, join forces, the result is a public attempt to punish and regulate sins that have not moved to the realm of harming others.

A prime example of this was the temperance movement in America during the early twentieth century. During that period religious liberals thought it was their right to push for the abolition of alcohol because it was being consumed for pleasure. And after all, liberals, no matter their stripes, hate anyone having fun. After years of getting some tentative footholds around the country the liberals in both church and state got the Eighteenth Amendment ratified. That amendment prohibited, “the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes.â€