Fox News star to be Ron Paul’s VP?

by admin on
February 21, 2012

As a variety of names are now being floated for presidential running mates, Republican candidate Ron Paul says ousted Fox News host Judge Andrew Napolitano might be at the top of his list.

Paul was asked the question about whom he would like on a White House ticket with him at a recent public meeting, and he said, “One time somebody asked me who I’d have to consider and the name Judge Napolitano jumps right out at me.”

While the audience erupted with cheers of approval, Paul continued: “But when you think about the danger of mentioning one or two means you’re not going to mention quite a few others that would certainly be qualified. That’s a great story, you know, the fact that there are a lot of people now that are well-known and well-educated and know the issues and would do a very good job.”

Napolitano’s “Freedom Watch” show was recently canceled by the Fox Business Channel, but during numerous on-air segments, Napolitano had frequent flattering remarks about Paul, while criticizing other presidential hopefuls including former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.

“There is a hunger in the land for a game changer, and Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are not up to that,” Napolitano said in early January. “There is a need in the country for a government that stays within the confines of the Constitution, or we’ll all end up like the socialists in Europe, and Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are not up to that. There is a rumbling in the countryside that the government should shrink and live within its means, and Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are not gonna make that happen.”

With a giant photo of Paul on the screen behind him, Napolitano said, “Only one man remains faithful to the principles of free market and small government, to the Constitution and to personal freedom, to defending the nation without being the world’s police force. Only one. You know who he is.”

Fox News star to be Ron Paul’s VP?