Hey girl, you’re going to have to defend yourself. He’s too busy pooping his onesie.

Posted by Bob Owens on December 21, 2013 at 3:11 pm

Earlier this week Organizing for America released a series of tweets promoting the idea that young progressives should badger their relatives into signing up for Obamacare during the Christmas season.

Barack Obama ✔ @BarackObama

How do you plan to spend the cold days of December? http://OFA.BO/d7uvBY #GetTalking
5:54 PM - 17 Dec 2013

The easily mockable ads starred OFA employee Ethan Krupp, a smug metrosexual geek wearing a “onesie,” a one-piece bodysuit of the type generally worn by infants and the infantile. Rich Lowry described Krupp as an “insufferable man-child,” and went on to note that Krup represents the progressive ideal of perpetual adolescence:

…it’s hard not to see Pajama Boy as an expression of the Obama vision, just like his forbear Julia, the Internet cartoon from the 2012 campaign. Pajama Boy is Julia’s little brother. She progressed through life without any significant family or community connections. He is the picture of perpetual adolescence. Neither is a symbol of self-reliant, responsible adulthood.

And so both are ideal consumers of government. Julia needed the help of Obama-supported programs at every juncture of her life, and Pajama Boy is going to get his health insurance through Obamacare (another image shows him looking very pleased in a Christmas sweater, together with the words “And a happy New Year with health insurance”).

The breakdown of marriage and its drift into the 30s mean there are more Julias and Pajama Boys than ever. The growth of government feeds off this trend, and at the margins, augments it. The vision of the Obama Democrats, distilled to its essence, is of a direct relationship between the state and the individual without the mediating institutions of family, church and community that are an inherent check on government power.

Tocqueville wrote long ago of the infantilizing tendency of such all-encompassing government. “It would be like the authority of a parent,” he wrote in a famous passage, “if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood.” If you wanted to depict what Tocqueville was getting at in one meme, Pajama Boy wouldn’t be such a bad way to do it.

Krupp is a perfect example of the perpetual immaturity of progressive males who refuse to grow up.

This immaturity extends to most every aspect of their lives, including self-defense. Put simply, they don’t want the responsibility. Shooting a machine gun in hours-long video games while creatively cursing their eleven-year-old opponents is one thing, but taking the very adult responsibility of purchasing and learning to use a firearm is simply too much maturity and responsibility for them.
