The Root of All Evil

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, Off the Cliff we Go!

By JB Williams
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Like blind pigs led to slaughter, the entitlement generation in America is staring right down the double barrel of doom and gloom, watching other nations leap off the same cliff they are headed for, and still, they remain unable to connect the dots in order to save themselves.

The tangled web of lies we have worked so hard for so many years to weave, now ensnares the very people who erected this house of cards and as we rocket towards the cliff, the average American citizen seems none the wiser despite increasing signs from around the globe that this cannot end well for anyone.

In my recent column - Greece Today—USA Tomorrow - Under Obama—I might have understated America’s position in the timeline of events that will most likely end with the utter collapse of pretty much every nation on earth, including the good ole USA.

At the time, I believed that the USA was months behind Greece in the impending economic collapse category. Now I see that the USA might be only days or weeks behind Greece in this regard as the same folks responsible for the collapse all over the globe begin to behave just like their brethren in Greece, right here in American cities.

Citizens have lost their collective minds. Before we can begin an education process, say, Economics 101—You Can’t Spend More Than You Make, - we must first put the people through a deprogramming effort.

As I have told my children since youth, ignorance is the lack of information which is easily cured by a dramatic increase in needed information. But stupidity is something quite different, for which there is no cure.

Time to Connect the Dots

As Democrat New York Governor David Patterson sought to feather the nests of his closest aides and allies with lavish pay increases topping 29%, he was pushing for a furlough of 100,000 state employees in an emergency effort to keep New York state from bellying up under the weight of excessive government waste in one of the highest taxed states in the country. ... tate_.html

Of course Government Employee Labor Unions were furious, taking to the streets of New York like Greek union thugs, threatening to make the streets of New York look like the streets of Athens if someone didn’t step in and stop Patterson from putting 100,000 state workers on the unemployment line.

In rides the knight in shining armor on silver steed, a federal court judge who immediately issues a stay blocking New York from laying off 100,000 workers on the basis of—“it wasn’t collectively bargainedâ€