From: xxxxxx
Date: 2007/04/19 Thu PM 06:36:27 EDT
To: xxxx
Subject: (Fwd) Hillary Endorses Conquest of Aztlan Names Reconquista Yz

Hillary Endorses Conquest of Aztlan
Names Reconquista Yzaguirre to co-head campaign

More at:

"This is a treasonous act by a squirrelly- headed liberal,"
said Glenn Spencer of American Patrol.

Hillary Picks La Raza Leader As Campaign Co Chair

The former president of an extremist group that organized
many of the country's disruptive pro illegal immigration
marches and advocates the return of the American
Southwest to Mexico will co-chair Hillary Clinton's
presidential campaign.

...The National Council of La Raza describes itself as the
largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the
United States, but it caters to the radical Chicano movement
that says California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and
parts of Colorado and Texas belong to Aztlan.

Reader comment:
Thanks to the Bush/Clinton/Bush presidencies, the
conversion of the U.S. from First to Third World status is
well underway.

Bush´s proposed illegal alien amnesty will only accelerate
the conversion. Anyone who thinks the country can cram as
many people into the U.S. as it can with finite resources is a

Please circulate across the USA.