Jan 20, 2010

Survey: Hispanics, young, less educated are lukewarm about U.S. Census

02:10 PM

Although most Americans think the Census is important and the majority say they will participate in the count this spring, some segments are not as enthusiastic: Hispanics, younger people and the less educated.

USA TODAY's Haya El Nasser says that a Pew Research Center survey released today finds that less than a third are aware that participation is required by law and 11% incorrectly believe that it is used to locate illegal immigrants so they can be arrested.

While most say the census is "very important'' to the nation, more Democrats (71%) than Republicans (56%) believe that. Republicans are more likely to rate it as "somewhat important'' (36% vs. 24% of Democrats).

Perceptions differ among racial and ethnic groups: 74% of blacks and 72% of Hispanics rate the Census as "very important'' vs. 57% of whites.

But believing it's important doesn't necessarily mean participating: Less than half of Hispanics, 57% of blacks and 61% of whites say they will fill out and mail the forms.

Age is the biggest factor: Only 36% of respondents who are 30 and younger say they will definitely participate.

"More than anything, it reflects sort of an ambivalence about what it takes to participate,'' says Michael Dimock, associate director of The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. "People don't necessarily have concerns about the Census other than how they'll do it. There's a lack of awareness. Some don't really know what's coming.''

http://content.usatoday.com/communities ... s-census/1