Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon

Pentagon admits $2.3 Trillion missing and Rumsfeld calls it a matter of "life and death."

in addition almost 1 Trillion was missing from HUD .... you tell me people... nobody losses this much money and it's all being swept under the carpet
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I honestly hope you all wake up

over 1 trillion lost by Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac

Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac have a total debt of 7 Trillion dollars and is getting ready to collapse from corruption, and very bad loans (Including those sold to Illegal Aliens) AND ... now the government wants to put that debt onto the US TAX Payers .... hahahahaha .. I suppose they want a pay raise while they are at it (All government oversight went out the bldg as far as the president and congress is concerned (Please see) ... 03-007.cfm ... N=58686811 ... A96F948260 ... 4856&id=72

an additional 4 Trillion dollars added on to the Federal Debt level by President Bush

Over a Trillion dollars lost in home equity

over a Trillion dollars lost in HUD housing

over 2.3 Trillion cannot be found by the Pentagon (Funny how this broke on 9/10 the day before 9-11-01) and the attack on America... wondering if they covered it up in bldg 7 ... who knows, but we still haven't gotten an answer of where that money is and that was 7 years ago

We borrow Billions every month to fight 2 wars at a time, McCain wants to go to war with Iran and put troops in Georgia.

Bush promising 48 Billion dollars for Aids in Africa (You really don't think they will get that money do you) do you honestly believe that.

Bush rearming Georgia and wants to give them a Billion plus a year in aid for an invasion that Georgia propagated for an oil pipeline .. whodathuinkit

no wonder the government does what it does... you people are either crazy, don't care or you don't mind debt.... damn... I need in this deal.. it's too good to be true ... now, I'm not trying to be a conspiratory theorist..... I just want to know where my tax dollars are at