Definitions of far left on the Web:

radical or extremely liberal

The term far left refers to the relative position a group or person occupies within a political spectrum. Since, by definition, most people are not far from the center, the terms "far-left" and "far-right" are usually used to say that someone is an extremist, not in tune with the majority. "Far-left" is thus sometimes a pejorative term.

Ned Lamont, Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore, Cynthia McKinney, Cindy Sheehan, Howard Dean are called far-left extremists.....

Now, as a reasonable intelligent person, I would consider myself a moderate conservative. This SHOULD put me in the middle, being neither far-left or far-right.

Imagine my surprise tonight, to hear BILL O'REILLY state that RON PAUL was irrelevant......that only the FAR-LEFT loonies support him. Maybe 15% of them....not enough to even worry about.

The last few months, O'Reilly has gotten progressively more arrogant. Where I used to enjoy his show, now 5 minutes is about all I can take.

I guess Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo would probably fit in the same category, if Billo was asked his "opinion."

So folks, let me ask. Are you too, a "far-left loonie?"