Just a reminder that the Revolution March is next Saturday, July 12th in DC. I don't know how the turnout will be, but I will be there. Ron Paul will be speaking and Chuck Baldwin too! Here is the link and the list of speakers. Any other Alipacer's going?


Rally Details
Rallying Point: West Side of Capitol Hill, begins at 11:00 AM.
Theme: The main theme of the March and Rally is Ron Paul’s message of Peace, Prosperity, and Freedom through adherence to the Constitution.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Paul will be our Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker.

Masters of Ceremony:
Gary Franchi – Successor to Aaron Russo and Founder of Restore the Republic
Ernest Hancock - Creator of the R3VOLution and publisher of FreedomsPhoenix.com
Marc Scibilia - Activist Singer/Songwriter with his band
Pokerface - High energy revolution music
Jordan Page - Activist Singer/Songwriter with his band

Confirmed Speakers:
Tom Mullen - Private citizen, patriotic American, and our grassroots representative, with an important message for our servant government.
G. Edward Griffin – founder of Freedom Force International and author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, shares his in depth research and analysis concerning the Federal Reserve System and the forces behind its inception.
Charles Goyette – syndicated talk radio host based in Phoenix, Arizona to discuss a return to the country’s constitutional traditions of sound money and limited government, the foundation upon which a viable economy can be rebuilt.
Bob Schulz – founder of ‘We the People Foundation’ a tax honesty organization to speak on the unconstitutionality of taxation on wages
Marcy Brooks – Juror in the tax trial of Whitey Harell v. State of Illinois (featured in Aaron Russo’s America: From Freedom to Fascism will talk about the responsibility of being a juror in tax evasion cases.
Thomas E Woods Jr - author of "Who Killed the Constitution?: The Fate of American Liberty from World War I to George W. Bush" to discuss how the federal government has circumvented the Constitution and is systematically dismantling the rights and freedoms that are the foundation of a Constitutional Republic.
Naomi Wolf – advocate of progressive politics and author of "The End of America: A letter of warning to a young patriot". Ms. Wolfe will take a historical look at the rise of fascism, outlining the 10 steps necessary for a state to take control of individuals' lives.
Jack McLamb – Military Veteran, retired police officer, and radio talk show host to discuss the potential for martial law to come to America.
Howard Phillips - Chairman of The Conservative Caucus since 1974, will discuss the multifaceted plan to turn the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a North American version of the European Union.
Terri Hall – Founder and Director of Texasturf.org to discuss among other things, the ranches that are being unconstitutionally confiscated to build the Trans-Texas Corridor (NAFTA Superhighway).
Jim Guest - MO representative to discuss the potential loss of U.S. Sovereignty; U.S. jobs that will permanently be lost; and environmental issues among other things, with the Kansas City Smart Port.
Jeff Lewis - National Director of Fire Coalition to discuss the economic impact illegal immigration has had on the country as well as the tie between the lack of enforcement of our immigration laws and the NAU, as well as discussing why we are fighting a war on terrorism when our borders are still not secured.
Michael Scheuer – 22 year veteran of the CIA and bestselling author of ‘Imperial Hubris’ to discuss American foreign policy and its implications on terrorism, security, and Iraq
Adam Kokesh - Representative from the Iraq Veterans Against the War to address IVAW's strategy to end the war, the greatest injustice of our time, and how that strategic thinking can be extrapolated to the broader movement in terms of active resistance.
Chuck Baldwin – Constitution Party Presidential Candidate, Pastor, and radio talk show host to speak about hope for America and a new breed of politician.
Ron Paul - to speak about the future of the Revolution.