House turns out light on old-style bulbs

Republicans unable to overturn law on efficiency

The incandescent light bulb failed to earn a last-minute reprieve in the House on Tuesday, leaving the old-style bulb still facing a government-imposed death sentence when new regulations kick in at the end of this year.

Under a law Congress enacted in 2007, energy efficiency standards that go into effect in 2012 will chase the older, cheaper incandescent light bulbs from store shelves, leaving consumers to choose from more technologically advanced - but much more expensive - bulbs, such as the squiggly compact fluorescent bulbs.

Republicans, who took control of the House this year, had promised to try to overturn the law, but failed to muster the two-thirds majority needed to pass the bill Monday under expedited rules of debate.

“The party is over for the traditional incandescent light bulb,â€