And the band plays on...

As the US and Iranian governments escalate tensions in the already volatile Straits of Hormuz, and China and Russia begin openly questioning Washington's interference in their internal politics, the world remains on a knife-edge of military tension.

Far from being a dispassionate observer of these developments, however, the media has in fact been central to increasing those tensions and preparing the public to expect a military confrontation. But as the online media rises to displace the traditional forms by which the public forms its understanding of the world, many are now beginning to see first hand how the media lies the public into war.

We turn to the media to become informed and to keep up with events
in the world around us, our social engineers OWN the media and use
it to shape our perceptions.

An essential key to decoding their manipulation is understanding
HOW they do it...


News media corruption How the media manipulates the world into war

- Brasscheck

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That's how we grow. Thanks.

I thought I brought this over before but I can't find it if I did I apologize