Ron Paul, Do You Not Have An Obligation At This Point to Run for President?

Author: Mac Slavo- April 6th, 2011

Dylan Ratigan, one of the few mainstream hosts we can stand to watch because he actually brings to light the core issues facing America, recently spoke with Dr. Ron Paul (R-TX) about the budgetary and fiscal problems facing the country. As is generally the case, Dr. Paul takes a common sense approach on the budget, highlighting that, while republicans and democrats in Congress debate over billions, our debt is adding trillions of dollars every year. Consider that on March 31, 2011 we were about $76 billion below the budget ceiling. Within two weeks, we’ll have exceeded that ceiling, which clearly demonstrates that cuts of $10 billion, or $50 billion or even $500 billion are mere peanuts with respect to what is actually being spent by our federal government on a regular basis.

Ron Paul, unlike those republicans who have masked themselves behind third party movements yet continue to do more of the same, actually adheres to the Constitutional principles from which the original Tea Party movement originated. Tackling such fundamental issues as government accountability, an end to corporatism and legislative corruption, monetary policy and restructuring or elimination of the Federal Reserve, spending within our means, foreign policy, and individual liberty, the good doctor is without question one of only a handful of federally elected representatives who we could call a statesman and not a politician.

It’s no wonder, then, that Dylan Ratigan asks what millions of other Americans would undoubtedly ask if they were to find themselves in the company of Ron Paul:

Do You Not Have An Obligation At This Point to Run for President?

Video: Ratigan to Ron Paul: 'Don't You Have an Obligation to Run for President?' ... r_embedded ... t_04062011