What if some organized group had a place to send donations that went to make a HUGE plaque on a monument, that would have the names of every Congressman, Senator, plus Obama/Bush and the rest of his snakes in the WhiteHouse, Pelosi, Reid, and don't forget Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Put everyone that voted for The Stimulus, The upcoming Budget vote, and the rest of the CRAP these idiots are cramming thru to take down our dollar and Nationalize all the banks in the hopes of a Socialist country and one World Government.

The plaque could say "Listed below are the people that voted from 2008 on thru the Bush/Obama Administrations, for all these stupid programs that bankrupted your generation. The rest of us are very sorry and ashamed. We tried to stop the madness but couldn't. . . . ."

"We would like to especially recognize The two Senators from Maine, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, plus Arlen Specter from Pennsylvania. They are the worst ones in this bunch! These 3 Republicans held the key to all of our futures and they decided to be traitors to our country and Constitution. Whatever happens after 2008 do not forget these people listed here are responsible."