The 'I's' of the Illuminati

Politics / US Politics
Jul 27, 2010 - 03:31 AM

By: Submissions

Barry M. Ferguson writes: The ‘I’s’ of the Illuminati – Invent, Infiltrate, Illiterate, Intoxicate, Incarcerate, Institutionalize, Impoverish, Immigrate, Indebt, Enslave

Do you know the ‘golden rule’? It is, ‘He that has the gold, makes the rules.’ Once all of the gold is secured, all the rules can be set to ensure absolute power. To make it happen, a group effort would be needed to collect all the money. How would the group go about accumulating all the money and ultimately, all the gold? Where would they get the power to implement such a plan? If we are investing for our share of the money, we better get to know the competition. For purposes of simplicity, let’s just call the group that is trying to monopolize the money, the ‘illuminati’.

Let me start by defining ‘illuminati’. The word is Latin and it basically means ‘the enlightened ones’. Members of an illuminati believe themselves to be especially enlightened on certain subjects and are therefore superior in intellect to their peers. The term has been applied to ‘shadow governments’ and bankers who seek absolute control over wealth. Absolute power can be acquired by force or coercion. Force can breed resistance. Coercion can breed compliance. Mao Tse-Tung once said that ‘political power grows out of the barrel of a gun’. Joseph Goebbels once said, ‘If you tell a big enough lie, and keep repeating it, people begin believing it. The truth, therefore, becomes the enemy of the state.’ So we have different strategies to obtain complete economic and political control. The illuminati is aggressively seeking that control today. The purpose of this article is not to argue the existence, but rather the means. Without doubt, governments and banks now dominate markets, economics, and politics more so than ever before. The question is, therefore, how do they maintain control and how should investors adjust?

So how does the illuminati exert their power? Vastly outnumbered, they would raise the ire of the population if they imposed their will with military force or any such overt efforts. Mao could be defeated in a military conflict. Jefferson could be defeated by a virulent plague of citizenry ignorance. But Goebbels might have been on to something. In truth, the illuminati’s chief weapon is the ignorance of the population perpetuated by the false promise of security. The illuminati herd the populace in the desired direction with lies and material illusion. They divert attention from their ambitions by promising an improving stock market, arranging for easy loans for nice houses and shiny cars, and by manipulating the public psyche through trained speakers espousing the doctrine of government solution by ‘spreading the wealth around’. They constantly monitor their subjects so as to maintain power. Their eyes, or ‘I’s’, are always upon us. The following is their manifesto.

Invent. The first step to acquiring real power is to invent the medium of financial exchange. Precious metals actually work fine but they are finite and the supply cannot be controlled and monopolized. Money is the invention. Coins made of precious metals are fine but go back and read the previous sentence. Aaahh – paper money is best because it can be manufactured to infinity, it is cheap to print, and it shifts real power to the printer. Why? Because now, the ‘value’ of everything has a ‘price’ that is set from the paper printer. The paper money has to be confined to a single holder – the banks – to ensure it maintains an assigned and implied value. Then the banks can use ‘fractional banking’ that allows them to loan exponentially more money than they have on deposit. Finally the banks can use a new and wondrous invention – derivatives. The loans that they write become ‘securitized’ so they can be sold to other bankers and pseudo bankers who then derive an income stream from the interest coupons attached to the loans. Principal, and return thereof, is no longer important. The money has an implied worthlessness. As long as interest obligations are met, the derivatives resupply lent principal while they serve to petrify the debt and therefore become substitutes for currency. The magic of ‘derivatives’ is invented so that the banks can now issue paper whose value is tied to the value of another piece of paper. ‘Capital’ is simply created. It is ‘invented’. And the best part of all is the derivative capital is cost-free and infinite in supply. The banks just have to convince the idiots of the world to accept their ‘capital’ as currency. Check.

Infiltrate. To coerce people to give up all of their money, the illuminati would have to infiltrate both society and the psyche of society. The psyche is the easy part. If a person has $100 dollars and the bank loans them another $100 dollars, the person ‘feels’ richer. Perhaps they can now buy a new TV or some other form of intellectual destruction like rap music. Everyone wants to ‘feel’ richer, right? Sure, the bank has the person fill out some official looking paperwork that engenders even more importance. In the end, the loan is made and the person thinks he is richer. The infiltration of society is a little tougher. The quickest way would be to use military force. But, as already discussed, this strategy would have some major negatives. No, the trick here is to disguise the true intent. To pull this off, society has to believe that lenders are benevolent. They also have to believe that their government is not only benevolent, but also competent. (Hey, quit laughing. I never said society was very smart!) For instance, as a reaction to the greatest financial debacle since the Great Depression, a push for financial ‘reform’ in the US was undertaken. The committee assigned to write the new legislation was spearheaded by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. These men have been in charge of overseeing financial regulations for years. The failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac along with the explosion of derivative trading and the real estate bubble rests squarely at their feet. Allowing them to author more financial regulation is like hiring the Skipper and Gilligan for a three hour tour! Let me amplify this with the FASB accounting rule known as Statement 159. I have included this in past lectures that I have done but basically the rule allows banks to play ‘heads I win, tails you lose’. When bonds issued by banks fall in value, the bank books the loss as profit. Incredibly, the loss becomes income. In the first quarter of 2010, the four largest US banks reported a combined $13 billion in income by using Statement 159. That alone accounts for 20% of their supposed ‘profits’. When did it become apparent to all of society that banks were broke? 2007. When did Statement 159 become rule? 2007. Check.

Illiterate. It takes time. If a group wants absolute control, it must dumb down the population. Education must be stifled. History must be re-written and sanitized. The US now has a 69% on-time high school graduation rate. Only a quarter or so of the population has a college degree. Television is dumbed down to a bunch of reality shows portraying the lives of idiots that are supposed to amuse us. And, that’s only C-SPAN. The media has become so fecklessly inept, that the best financial/ economic writer around right now is Matt Taibbi of the music magazine, Rolling Stone. Political leaders are clueless as they continue to show an unfathomable lack of understanding about debt and its destructive powers. The new currency of banks is derivatives and how many people want to hear about those things? Political leaders run all over the world spewing misstatements and false information. The Federal Reserve constantly issues mendacious statements calculated to further their conquest. Three times in 2006 and 2007, Mr. Bernanke stated that an inverted yield curve was not a precursor to recession and in fact, the economy was strong. Yet, no one challenged those assertions even though statistics and charts clearly say the opposite. Need I say more? Ignorance surrenders power. Check.

Intoxicate. Anbar Province in Afghanistan is where 90% of the world’s heroin comes from. That’s why the latest military ‘surge’ was focused in that region. Control the drugs and one controls the intoxicants. Acquiring real power is about eliminating competition. Let’s use a time line here. Since the Federal Reserve came to power in 1913, we have endured WW I, WW II, the Korean War, Viet Nam, and the Gulf war. Now our military forces are dispatched to Iraq and Afghanistan. When the military lease on Okinawa was terminating, a South Korean submarine was supposedly sank by a North Korean torpedo. The lease was immediately renewed and a bank loan was no doubt extended. Why is this sequence important? Wars produce debt and banks provide the supply. Wars also produce horrific casualties and Vietnam was probably all society could take. Since then, casualties have been greatly reduced. There is nothing like a steady stream of body bags to raise suspicion that something else is driving the process. When did the era of drugs explode? Yep, right when Vietnam became a quagmire. If societal control cannot be exercised through war, drugs can be used. Society has to be either eliminated or stoned and drunk. Otherwise, they might rise from their coma and rebel against absolute control. The illuminate does not want society to get wise to their impending despotic ruin. At the very least, the intoxicated part of society gets eliminated from threat of power competition. Check.

Incarcerate. Society is better controlled behind bars. Intoxification has to be criminalized. Drugs are illegal. If a large segment of society is imprisoned, there is less of a threat to the power. This may be depressing, but we must understand the facts. For the first time in the history, in 1995 the US started spending more on building prisons than on building colleges. In 1999, The US spent $41 billion on incarceration and $16 billion on welfare. In 2008, there were 2.3 million inmates in US prisons. 3.2% of the population is either in jail, on probation, or on parole. In 2008, states spent $50 billion on the prison system and the federal government spent $5 billion. As of 2006, states were spending 7% of their budgets on prisons. In spite of what government liars (yes, that’s an oxymoron) say about inflation, health care costs for inmates is growing by 10% per year. Why has incarceration become a bigger portion of the plan? Violent crime in the US has been relatively stable since 1980. But since drug laws changed, drug convictions have risen 12 fold. The US leads the world in percent of the population incarcerated. China is second. Those incarcerated have taken the place of the body bags. Soon, we will have new laws like the health care tax that will allow for even more non-compliant citizens to be put away. Tommy Chong was jailed for water pipe (drug paraphernalia) sales across the state line of Pennsylvania (I believe). When asked what it was like to go to jail, he replied, “You’ll find out.â€