Welcome to the New America

Prisoners= Free housing, free food, free clothes, free laundry, free activities, free health care. Will have the longest life spans.

H.S. Dropouts= Welfare, food stamps, bridge card, free health care. Little stress. Will continue breeding like rabbits, getting high daily with occasional petty theft. They laugh at others who actually buy into the system. Future generations will aspire to be in this class.

High School Diploma/G.E.D.= Raised with some morals but will pay dearly for such naivete’. Possible fast-food job at best. Nervous break down by mid-life. Will most likely turn to radical politics/religion to cope. You will be a tool for others. Best option is to slip and fall at work and sue somebody, but make sure you are out of sight from the video cameras. Suicide may be a valid option. You will work until day of death.

Associates= Working poor but feel slightly superior because you have “some collegeâ€