There is overwhelming evidence from soldiers that Bush had bin Laden in his sights at Tora Bora. He failed to do so because that would have dried up support for the Iraq War. Obama has failed his constitutional duty to bring war criminals to justice. Delta Force commander "Dalton Fury" said on 60 Minutes that a plan was nixed to catch bin Laden off-guard. This story never made the nightly news headlines.

The top CIA commander in Afghanistan in December of 2001, Gary Berntsen, urgently requested 800 U.S. troops to block bin Laden's escape. The request was denied. CIA Deputy Counter Terrorism Director Hank Crumpton asked General Tommy Franks to send in reinforcements from the 1200 Marines who were stationed 80 miles away, in Kandahar, but that request was also denied. Osama bin Laden finally bribed the Northern Alliance warlords charged with blocking his escape.

Both George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney later repeated General Franks' claim that the U.S was not sure bin Laden was trapped at Tora Bora. Both Bush and Cheney said in interviews: "We don't know if bin Laden was at Tora Bora." But Berntsen's contradiction is blunt. “I knew exactly where he wasâ€