Democracy Now

Many of the toughest sentencing laws responsible for the explosion of the U.S. prison population were drafted by the American Legislative Exchange Council, which helps corporations write model legislation. Now a new expos� reveals ALEC has paved the way for states and corporations to replace unionized workers with prison labor. We speak with Mike Elk, contributing labor reporter at The Nation magazine. He says ALEC and private prison companies "put a mass amount of people in jail, and then they created a situation where they could exploit that." Elk notes that in 2005 more than 14 million pounds of beef infected with rat feces processed by inmates were not recalled, in order to avoid drawing attention to how many products are made by prison labor.

Read rush transcript here

The American Legislative Exchange Council (or ALEC), which helps
corporations write model legislation, has paved the way for states
and corporations to replace unionized workers with prison labor.

In fact, prison labor here in the US is cheaper than Chinese labor
because corporations can save on shipping costs.

Also, this video lays bare the strange intersection between the War
on Drugs, the privatized prison industry, and the wonderful chicken
products that state agents are forcing kids to eat in school


Government corruption The Invisible American Workforce

Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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PS I have brought info on Alec here before here are the two links again....

ALEC – American Legislative Exchange Council | Limited Government · Free Markets · Federalism

ALEC Exposed - Alec Exposed