Iran Helped Plan 9/11
September 14, 2011 | From
And America isn’t going to do a thing about it.

Joel Hilliker

It’s been 10 years. America has waged two wars at a cost of 7,500 soldiers lives and more than a trillion dollars.

And as the nation remembered and grieved over 9/11 this past weekend, perhaps the saddest part—after a decade of such extraordinary expense and effort—is just how extraordinarily diminished this great country is.

There is a painful irony here. Let me explain.

This year, families of 9/11 victims have filed two unique and extremely important lawsuits—one back in May, the other last week—against an unusual defendant: the Islamic Republic of Iran.

You see, back in 2004, the National Commission tasked with examining the 9/11 attacks was behind schedule and nearing the end of a 60-day extension it had received to release its report. With just a week to go, staffers got new information—an intelligence bombshell: a National Security Agency summary of the American intelligence community’s findings on how Iran had helped the 9/11 hijackers. It was based on dozens of nsa documents that explained the al Qaeda-Tehran relationship.

[b]Trouble was, there wasn’t enough time to fully process the explosive information before the report had to be published. Nevertheless, the authors hastily composed and included a page and a half about it under the subhead “Assistance from Hezbollah and Iran to al Qaedaâ€