IRS Decides on Penalty for Violating Individual Mandate

By Nathan Eyre on August 28, 2013@nathanielquincy

Obamacare. It was supposed to save us all. The problem is, anyone with half a brain realized that the new healthcare law was a bad idea. A bad idea that kept getting worse and worse as it continued to work through our political process. One of the most ridiculous parts of Obamacare is the “individual mandate.” You can ask any of my poor liberal friends, they thought that with the new Act, Americans would have free or minimal cost health insurance. Now, instead of getting insurance from the government, they are being forced to buy their own, otherwise be penalized. I know people that are going to have to accept the penalty because they simply cannot afford insurance, even after the so-called “Affordable” Healthcare Act.

So the IRS finalized the penalties for those stuck in a situation where they do not have insurance. First time violators will be charged either $95 or 1% of household income, whichever is greater. The penalty will increase each year that you don’t have insurance. To be quite frank, I cannot handle the fact that our government can force us to buy something that we may not even want. I guess it is not exactly force, and $95 isn’t a lot of money, but the principle behind it is just plain wrong.

I recently read an article talking about how most Americans are unfamiliar with Obamacare and what it entails. So, I will use this article to inform you: unless you are temporarily unemployed, get your healthcare from a temporary staffing agency, or get Medicaid from a state that has opted out of the expanded program, you better make sure that you have health insurance by January 1, 2014, otherwise you will be penalized.

image courtesy of will1ill on Flickr